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The Grand Tournament Vote Reveal #1: Release the Kraken

by - 9 years ago


The first card revealed from The Grand Tournament voting process on the official site is here, and it is a Kraken!

North Sea Kraken

The North Sea Kraken isn’t going to light the meta on fire, but it provides a good alternative for newer players trying to build control decks. The Kraken is a serviceable budget option for players who prefer slower decks, but it’s likely that it will be eventually be replaced by Legendary threats like Ragnaros, Ysera, et al. The Kraken will probably be a decent pick in arena aswell.

In all, I like this card. It’s not particularly impressive, and I don’t think I will try to make it work in constructed. But the game needs some average cards that work as a budget options for players who have smaller collections. Also, this has the potential to be sick out of an Unstable Portal.

If you are looking to see a more impactful card, the next vote is already live, go to the official Hearthstone site to submit your vote! Hopefully, the next card can be something that will truly make an impact in the competitive metagame.


Keep yourself updated with all the latest Grand Tournament coverage, and check ALL the currently revealed TGT cards in our full spoiler list.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “The Grand Tournament Vote Reveal #1: Release the Kraken”

  1. Iggore_TK says:

    that kraken was a bit… underwhelming. I feel like I voted for something I probably will never play with. I suppose I could be wrong but 9 mana for 4 damage is pretty weak compared to others. Dr boom gets you basically as good a body AND some extras to boot, while only costing 7. Rags only costs 8 and I consider him WAY more powerful… even bomb lobber only costs 5.

    I just think he is way overpriced for what he does. The problem is there are plenty of cards that do it better for cheaper and I could not really see an instance where he would make the cut in any of my decks.

    even in Ramp Druid, I would much rather have an 8/8 taunt for 8. Anyone think of a way he MIGHT be considered for a deck? I can’t at the moment

    • Tim says:

      Nope This Card Will Prob never See play ever. Just the way the card looked I had a feeling it was going to be a filler card. Glad I voted for the other one. In all Honesty The other card looks to be a filler card to but Guess we will wait and see

    • Brandon says:

      This is an arena card, every set needs common neutral big drops to fill out arena drafts (boulderfist, war golem, force tank), and it’s unlikely any of them will ever be able to compete with legendaries for slots in tuned constructed decks. New players also like shiny big things that they’re more likely to get their hands on as commons. And as big-ass arena drops go, this one’s pretty nice… a little later than we usually get, but with an added dose of reach/removal on the front-end.