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Karazhan Epics and Legendaries Guide

by - 7 years ago


Even though you do not craft the Karazhan cards but rather buy them through the adventure it felt wrong to leave those cards out entirely.Therefore, I will give you an evaluation comparable to the ones I did so far with the already established categories:

  • Essentials: The best Epics that are either viable in a wide variety of decks (for neutral cards) or top tier lists.
  • Nice to Have/Tech: The cards you might want to look at after you’ve crafted the cards from the above tier. The category includes tech cards that might rotate in and out of competitive lists, as well as cards for niche or more fun oriented decks.
  • Trash: All of those cards which have not yet found a good home… or are just bad.

This evaluation may change with the inventions of new decks or when existing decks get refined, please keep that in mind. For the already released guides (which provide additional thoughts an disenchanting, etc.) follow the links by clicking on the images:

Card Evaluations

Essentials (2+1)

The Curator is such a good card. He combines card draw with a decent Taunt. THe only downside of him is that you must build around the card regarding tribes. He is best (ab)usable in Paladin and Warrior as well as Druid to some extend.

Medivh, the Guardian was way too slow in the ONiK and MSG metas but he has established himself as a staple in Burn Mage alongside heavy spells like Firelands Portal and Pyroblast due to the increased consistency of in drawing survival tools through Arcanologist. Further, some Control Priest decks with Lyra and Free from Amber run him too, but he is far from a real staple in priest.

Arcane Giant. Mana cost reducing mechanics have a history of being very strong in CCGs. Arcane Giant is no exception to that. Formerly, they were used almost exclusively in Spell/Malygos Druid which disappeared in the Un’Goro meta due to the rotation of Aviana to Wild. Today it is a staple in (Plant) Miracle Rogue as well as the Giants version of Quest Mage.

Nice To Have/Tech (1)

Barnes. Once shun for his insane RNG and its abusability (Barnes/Y’Shaarj Hunter) it has mostly disappeared in the actual meta. It is still a good card but the field of use is limited.

Trash (2)

Moroes had his brief moment around in the first few days of the actual expansion in Dog’s Quest Rogue but has fast disappeared into the nothingness again.

Prince Malchezaar. A vanilla legendary with a disadvantage attached. Everybody who plays CCGs knows, that the bigger your deck is, the worse is consistency. Not without reason, players of Magic the Gathering create decks with 60 cards despite the possibility to have more cards in the deck. Prince Malchezaar does not only expand the deck, he fills it with random cards that might be dead draws. Even the argument, that he helps in fatigue games is not worth considering, especially as there are no fatigue strategies that are viable in Un’Goro. TLDR: a bad card from start to finish.

Martin "OtakuMZ" Z.

Real life physician and afterhour card battler. Martin "OtakuMZ" contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn on the Gwentlemen site. He is best known for his infographics which can be accessed at a glance at https://www.facebook.com/hsinfographics and https://www.facebook.com/gwentinfographics

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