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Blizzard Teases New Game Mode Will be Called Brawls

by - 9 years ago

Off the heels (not heals) of yesterday’s tease of a new button, the Hearthstone community team puts out another little teaser. This time they show a picture of a tavern brawl happening with the comment “It wouldn’t be a night in the #Hearthstone tavern without a good brawl!”

So yesterday my speculation was that the new button would possibly be some kind of tournament mode. This seems to fit with the design of the buttons considering the current 3 all have to deal with different kinds of play modes. So adding a 4th button should definitely be some kind of play mode. We also know that the Hearthstone team has not been working on any kind of co-op mode, so don’t get your hopes up for that.

The Hearthstone team has always said it will try and develop what the community wants, and tournament mode is something the community has been asking for since day 1 of beta.

I believe the new mode will be called “Brawls” or “Tavern Brawls” and it will be a tournament mode with pre-constructed decks. I also expect it to work very similar to the way Arena currently works. Will probably have a buy in and then you play until you will lose X amount of games. Rewards will be based on how many games you win. To me, this makes the most sense to add to Hearthstone to allow players to play a few games here and there without having to sit down and play for hours to finish a tournament.

I know that’s not exactly what I personally want. I want a way to create my own tournaments and have players lock in their decks and join. That with upgrading spectator mode so the cards aren’t upside down when you view 2 players I think would make a LOT more smaller tournaments pop up as it will give tournament admins a lot more tools to run a successful tournament. I think it would be huge for a grassroots tournament scene with fireside gatherings.

However, I expect Blizzard is taking the more casual approach. It fits the Hearthstone theme more that way and with it being a mobile game they probably don’t want to have players tied to waiting for other games to finish before they can play. However, I do think having any kind of reward system for playing constructed decks past the 10 gold for 3 games won is a HUGE improvement to the game.

Lots of people are speculating we’ll hear about this at E3 or at Gamescom. Honestly, I think Blizzard tells us what this all is this week. The Hearthstone team tends to push stuff like this out quickly rather than teasing us for too long.

What do you think we’ll see?

posted in Hearthstone
JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Blizzard Teases New Game Mode Will be Called Brawls”

  1. Iggore_TK says:

    part of me wants to see the option to assign decks to the AI so I can easily test a deck against archetypes. not current AI mode BS, but actually assign something like a “mechmage” deck to the AI to test builds against. yes, I mean assign a deck you throw together yourself not a random build with the mechmage parameter (meta names change too quickly for that).

    I think it would be better to add that option to the current practice mode though rather than giving it its own button. I also sort of get wanting people to “test live” though so more people are in the game to play against. oh well, what I am wanting to see sooner or later though.

    • Dobablo says:

      I don’t think the default AI is good enough to play a created deck. It cannot spot my obviously telegraphed moves so I doubt it could set up those situations itself, It should be possible to program an enemy that could play an archetype deck quite well but it would be the sort of thing that was added as an adventure, where you play against an archetype of each class.
      The biggest problem with that is that, as you say, the meta changes too quickly. Maybe there could be a rotating archetype with a new opponent each week.

  2. Dobablo says:

    I guess it isn’t an “Achievements” button then…

    Brawl sounds like a 4v4 mode!