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Don’t taunt me, bro!

by - 11 years ago

We’ve previously posted extensively about aggrodecks, but for every strategy there is an equally annoying and equally effective counter strategy. Today, I’ll take a look at a complete opposite deck build: the turtle deck with loads of taunt cards and a few buff spells and minions.

The perfect hero for that is the shaman: not only do you have a hero power that has a 1 in 4 chance to throw yet another taunt into the mix, it also conveniently buffs your minions with a healing totem or a spell power totem. Of course you don’t want to go exclusively with taunt cards: having Bloodlust and Flametongue Totem in your deck is absolutely essential.

There are of course some abilities and spells that can counter this strategy (like Ironbeak Owl, Mass Dispel, Brawl or Hellfire), but the relief of having just cleared an entire board of taunt cards can quickly turn into horror when you drop – you guessed it – yet another taunt minion.

Naturally, you don’t want to fall victim to your own strategy. Having Hex and Ironbeak Owl in your deck is strongly recommended. This is yet another deck that is easily assembled with basic shaman cards and a few available taunt cards thrown in (Tip: in your deck collection, enter the keyword “taunt” to filter for all cards with just that ability).

The Shaman turtle deck:

There is a certain ridiculousness to this approach, and no amount of taunt minions will guarantee victory. That said, if you have tried aggro decks before and did not feel like those are your cup of tea, then give this defensive build a try. The beauty of Hearthstone is that a huge variety of play styles can lead to success, you just need to find the one that suits you best!

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Don’t taunt me, bro!”

  1. Nick says:

    Taunt seems to be a very powerful attribute to have and a taunt-heavy deck seems favorable for the long haul. I agree it has excellent synergy with shaman. I think you can find great synergy with other classes as well.

    Priest comes to mind because you tend to shoot for late game and taunt helps you get there in one piece (not to mention the ability to heal your taunting minions which *usually* have enough buffer to survive a hit before dying).

    Mages too; if you drop mana wraiths after gaining board control with taunters in combination with ice control to buy turns needed to stockpile those fireballs and pyroblasts. The combination of taunt, higher minion cost, and crowd control means enemy minions trying to hit you will be climbing the mountain pass of Caradhras…

    A thought-provoking article to be sure.