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BlizzPro Ladder Optimizer #20: Witchwood Murlocs (BPLO, Meta-Meta Report)

by - 6 years ago

New expansion, new BPLO. We dive deep into the early meta with the first meta report for the new Hearthstone The Witchwood expansion. Decks are not fully optimized yet or some aren’t even little refined. Therefore, we start listing top tier decks first and add more over the next days. As always, feel free to tweet @OtakuMZ1978, @MacDaddyGonz and @BlizzPro if you have questions, suggestions, or feedback.

Update: All decks up to tier 3 are now in.

Update 2: net gain per hours were wrong for Even Paladin in all ranks and Spiteful Druid in Rank 5/Legend. Those are correct now.



[wcp_deck id=”24661″]

[wcp_deck id=”24687″]

[wcp_deck id=”24691″]

Malygos Druid

Togwaggle Druid

[wcp_deck id=”24685″]

[wcp_deck id=”24686″]

Midrange Hunter

Dragon Hunter

[wcp_deck id=”24676″]

[wcp_deck id=”24681″]

Elemental Mage


[wcp_deck id=”24660″]

[wcp_deck id=”24674″]

[wcp_deck id=”24673″]

[wcp_deck id=”24690″]

Aggro Paladin

[wcp_deck id=”24679″]

[wcp_deck id=”24683″]

[wcp_deck id=”24701″]

[wcp_deck id=”24662″]

[wcp_deck id=”24677″]

[wcp_deck id=”24684″]

Tempo Rogue

[wcp_deck id=”24678″]

[wcp_deck id=”24700″]

Elemental Shaman

[wcp_deck id=”24675″]

[wcp_deck id=”24682″]

[wcp_deck id=”24680″]

Even Warlock

Echo Warlock

[wcp_deck id=”24667″]

[wcp_deck id=”24669″]

[wcp_deck id=”24698″]

Martin "OtakuMZ" Z.

Real life physician and afterhour card battler. Martin "OtakuMZ" contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn on the Gwentlemen site. He is best known for his infographics which can be accessed at a glance at https://www.facebook.com/hsinfographics and https://www.facebook.com/gwentinfographics

0 responses to “BlizzPro Ladder Optimizer #20: Witchwood Murlocs (BPLO, Meta-Meta Report)”

  1. Your listed Quest Rogue deck has Glacial Mysteries in it…which is a Mage card. 🙂

  2. Danny Antivalidis says:

    love this feed, plz write somewhere when the next one is out, so we know when to come back for the fresh stuff, ty