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BP Ladder Optimizer #2: BIG Druid Uprising (Week 44 Meta-Meta Report)

by - 6 years ago


It has only been a few days since the first ever BlizzPro Ladder Optimizer (BPLO) came out that we are ready for the second one as the meta has changed significantly since the BPLO#1 with the rise of BIG Druid. In fact, we suspected this since early Monday already, when Michael “MacDaddyGonz” compiled the data. We weren’t sure though, as we are new to this meta business. We initially planned to run a proof dataset tomorrow, but since today our read was confirmed by Vicious Syndicate (vS) we release the data now.

For more background information of how this report is intended, please hit the link.

Week 44 Meta Thoughts

Although Razakus (Highlander) Priest is still played a lot, it is in most part not the best deck to ladder with. That is not because it is bad – which it is not – but rather because of its own effect on the meta. To make it short, it was so dominant, that people adapted big time to counter it which weakened it significantly.

Big (Ramp) Druid makes the appearance to the top three decks. Why Big Druid you may ask? It has a favorable winrate Jade Druid and Razakus Priest while still ok against Tempo Rogue.

Tempo (Prince) Rogue remains the most powerful deck in any regard achieving highest overall winrate and most time efficient laddering. Thus, it is also the most played decks at the moment.

Zoolock shares second place with Big Druid and is still a solid and cheap to craft alternative for all players including free-to-play ones.

The Future of BPLO

We are planning to settle on a regular schedule to release this report every Tuesday or Wednesday so you can rely on the data on a regular basis.


[wcp_deck id=”22779″]

[wcp_deck id=”22787″]

BIG Druid variations include exchanging one Innervate with Ysera (Twink’s) or both with Bright-Eyed Scout (Ombre’s).

[wcp_deck id=”22788″]

Aggro Token Druid: AAECAZICApG8AqgFDq/CAuTCAobBAuYFzbsCm80C9wOR0ALBqwK2swLrwgLKwwLlB9kHAA==

Jade Druid: AAECAZICBvcDlL0CmdMCobcCrqsC4LsCDMu8Ar6uAs27At2+As+8Al9Ah84C5AjEBqDNArS7AgA=


Aggro Murloc Paladin: AAECAZ8FBojHArnBAvIF+gbjvgK5sgIMyssCpwjbA7HCAsUD07wC2a4Cps4CncIC06oCrwezwQIA

Midrange Paladin: AAECAZ8FBLnBAvoG474CubICDYjHAqcI2wOxwgLTvALjywLZrgKmzgKbwgKdwgLTqgKvB7PBAgA=

Big Priest: AAECAa0GCtYKt7sCogmZyALCzgKlCZcCkNMCqKsChbgCCubMAuq/AtcKtbsCtM4CoawC5cwC6L8C0cEC0woA

Razakus (Highlander) Priest: AAECAa0GHtIK2LsC6r8C1wrwzwLYwQLkwgLSwQLZwQLlBLW7Au0FpQmXAvIMoawCpAeDuwL7AQnovwKcAvYHkNMCoQTRwQL7DO0B0wqStAIAAA==

Evolve Shaman: AAECAaoICJMJkbwClL0C9r0C+b8Cm8ICtssC688CC4EE5QfwB/qqAvuqAqC2Aoe8AtG8ApHBAuvCApvLAgA=

Pirate Warrior: AAECAQcGkbwCyssCrwSkBvIFnOICDLAC7gaRA6/CAoKwAv8DqAUc1AWIsAKOBeUHAA==


Martin "OtakuMZ" Z.

Real life physician and afterhour card battler. Martin "OtakuMZ" contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn on the Gwentlemen site. He is best known for his infographics which can be accessed at a glance at https://www.facebook.com/hsinfographics and https://www.facebook.com/gwentinfographics

0 responses to “BP Ladder Optimizer #2: BIG Druid Uprising (Week 44 Meta-Meta Report)”

  1. Danny Antivalidis says:

    This page is perfect.
    Thanks for making it.
    Love at first Sight.

    One thing that would be a nice addition would be a off meta deck that Might see play next next week. 🙂

    Keep it up!


    • OtakuMZ says:

      Hi. Thank you for the loving words. We already thought about featuring a “Meta Breaker” deck, which we kind of have with BIG Druid this week. Once we get more confident with our own data we will add something like this and we already talked about it from the beginning.

  2. Danny Antivalidis says:

    Love it