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Jounrey to Un’Goro – Power Rankings: Final Edition

by - 7 years ago


After one month we had to play with the new expansion, the predictions made have not in all cases turned out as we expected in our pre-release Jounrey to Un’Goro – Power Rankings. We, Martin “OtakuMZ“, but Nicholas “hsdecktech” have taken the time to revisit all cards and evaluate them as they stand at the beginning of Season 38 (start of May 2017). Ranking is for Standard play mode and competitive play only. For a detailed explanation of the individual ranks please head to the Annex at the bottom of the article

To see all the tokens, quest rewards, and adapt upgrades please head to @Eldorian‘s Journey to Un’Goro Spoiler Card List. If you want some more insights on card analysis, we invite you to check out Card Reviews – What I Learned from Card Reviews – What I Learned from WotOG and ONiK.


Journey to Un’Goro Power Rankings

☆☆☆☆☆: EXCELLENT / STAPLE (32/135 – 24.5%)

☆☆☆☆:  GOOD / COMPETITIVELY VIABLE (25/135 – 17.0%)

☆☆☆: DECENT / NICHE PICK (24/135 – 17.8%)

☆☆: POOR / TOO SITUATIONAL (23/135 – 17.0%)

☆: UNPLAYABLE / TRASH (32/135 – 23.7%)

Annex I: About Power Rankings: Our Take on Card Reviews Explained

I might evaluate cards differently to what you think because the evaluations reflect my personal opinions based on my knowledge of the game. If you disagree I am happy to hear your point in the comments below or @OtakuMZ1978. I will try to respond to all inquiries and take into consideration to change my rank of the card in question.

All evaluations will be made with Standard play mode and competitive play in mind. This is no ranking for neither Arena nor Wild, please remember this when reading. We have sorted cards in 5 categories which are explained in detail below. Inside each category, cards will be sorted by mana cost from low to high and alphabetically for each cost.

Annex II: Ranking Categories

☆☆☆☆☆ (5 stars) Excellent: Cards that are top-notch or potentially overpowered. Most decks would like to run them, e.g. Dr. Boom.

☆☆☆☆ (4 stars) Good: Superior cards that will very likely be seen play frequently, e.g. Annoy-o-Tron, Harvest Golem.

☆☆☆ (3 stars) Decent: Cards that normally do not make the cut for competitive play but are overall well-designed and might fit into specific decks. These cards can be powerful in Arena though or really viable for newer players but you would not likely see them in tournaments.  Also, vanilla cards such as Chillwind Yeti fall into this category.

☆☆ (2 stars) Poor: Underwhelming and/or over-costed cards. These cards have inferior stats and/or underwhelming effects and will not see competitive play, e.g. Voodoo Doctor. Also grouped in this category are cards, that seem to be good at first glance. Yet, their effects are too situational so that most of the time, you will not be able to pull them off (e.g. Ghaz’rilla). The latter can arguably be fun and even powerful IF their effects go off. In any case, these cards I like to call “what-if cards” are so unreliable that they render themselves unusable in competitive play. Feel free to raise these cards to a “build-around” card or just have fun with!

(1 star) Unplayable: Straight out bad stats, poor card design or simply useless cards that are even too bad for casual play? Do you have them in your deck? Delete Hearthstone! 😉 These cards you would not and should never put in your deck unless for fun or I missed something and the cards are sorted wrong, e.g. Magma Rager. If so, please leave me a comment! Okay, one exception here: you want to troll your opponent so that he thinks you are the worst Hearthstone player alive! 😆 😉


Martin "OtakuMZ" Z.

Real life physician and afterhour card battler. Martin "OtakuMZ" contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn on the Gwentlemen site. He is best known for his infographics which can be accessed at a glance at https://www.facebook.com/hsinfographics and https://www.facebook.com/gwentinfographics

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