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OTK, Concede and Troll Decks – Let Out Your Inner Johnny on the Ladder!

by - 8 years ago

A very well met to all of you. Today’s short article is for all of the Johnnys and to some extend also for the Timmys as the decks I will show you involve a lot of huge creatures too. It is not really fit for the Spikes out there though, they just have to continue playing Midrange Shaman, Miracle Rogue and N’Zoth Paladin. You don’t know what I am talking about? Take a look at this MTG article here. In short there are three type of players: Timmy, Johnny and Spike. For Timmy  it is all huge minions and huge spells, if he wins, which is less common for his style of play, he wants to win with all these big bombs. Johnny cares about winning, but he wants to win with style! Spike is the tryhard player. All that is important is winning, no matter how boring it gets. Well, we got that out of the way. I can really encourage you to read the full article, I enjoyed it a lot.

I will show off some off-meta decks today that are either OTK decks, like Firebat’s most recent OTK Warrior (I will add that to my recent Warrior post too). I haven’t tried them all but I would like to hear from you which you found…

  1. best performing on ladder or
  2. had the most fun with.

There are also a lot of fun Yogg-Saron decks for almost any classes, Paladin is left out there because Uther just does not understand what fun is :mrgreen:. I took a lot of decks from @NeviilzHS’s twitter posts. One deck I loved seeing most, is his Dragon Control Shaman. I was tinkering with a N’Zoth Control Shaman last week which did not work so well. Therefore I was happy to see a Control Shaman actually working on the ladder. I just love the idea of Control Shaman. Big shout-out here to Neviilz. He is such an innovative deck builder and is most known for his Echo Giant Mage, which sadly is not a thing any more in Standard. If you want to watch him, he streams regularly on twitch. Just follow the link to Neviilz twitch stream. If you have any ideas for my N’Zoth Shaman I would really appreciate a tweet @OtakuMZ1978. You can also send me your best fun decks and I might include them in the listing here. With this, let’s head to the decks and have fun!

Update May 23rd, 2016:

  • HQ pictures of decks added, just click to view in high-res
  • TidesOfTime’s N’zoth Shaman added

Update Jue 7th, 2016:

  • Corrected some typos

OTK Decks

(click to enlarge)


Yogg Decks

imageimage[26] Yogg's Freezing Tome Mageimage


Other Decks


My own brew (not refined, comments appreciated)

[26] N'Zoth Shaman 1.3 (OtakuMZ)[26] N'Zoth Shaman 1.4 (OtakuMZ)

Martin "OtakuMZ" Z.

Real life physician and afterhour card battler. Martin "OtakuMZ" contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn on the Gwentlemen site. He is best known for his infographics which can be accessed at a glance at https://www.facebook.com/hsinfographics and https://www.facebook.com/gwentinfographics

0 responses to “OTK, Concede and Troll Decks – Let Out Your Inner Johnny on the Ladder!”

  1. Fares Chidiac says:

    hey, good idea of an article, but the images are unclickable, and are too small to see decklists. ^^
    thank you 😀
    also im always checking on this page, i really like your articles, sorry i never comment or anything.
    keep up the good work!

  2. I’m interested in the article, but I can’t read the decks!

  3. Michel Souza says:

    same here 🙁

  4. Austin Choice says:

    this website’s articles are far and few between, its like they gave up

    • OtakuMZ says:

      We try to keep a steady flow of articles which is not always easy. We do this all because we are fond of the game, not for money. I hope you keep coming back, despite articles not being frequent. The content I try to give is hopefully original and something which yo uwill not find anywhere else. I hope this lets us stand out from just posting re-posts. Tahnks for the feedback. We will give our best to deliver content more freuqently. I also appreciate ideas, if you have. Just tweet me @OtakuMZ1978

    • OtakuMZ says:

      and, no, we haven’t given up 😉

  5. OtakuMZ says:

    Thanks for the feedback. I forgot to make them clickable which i now stadardly implemented to future deck list. Also I will ensure, that the quality will be consistantly good in the future