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Road to Blizzcon: F2K wiRer

by - 8 years ago

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This weekend from May 14-15 @F2K_wiRer will fly out to the Hearthstone world championship spring preliminaries held in Vienna, to compete for a place at Blizzcon. Wirer has been playing the game since the early beta stages and has consistently reached high legend on both servers which ultimately led him to qualify for the preliminaries. While being on the F2K team he has used his knowledge of the game and worked closely with all the players to improve their gameplay.

You can find his stream here!


 Player favorites: 

What’s your favorite food? Hamburger

All time Favorite game apart from HS? Starcraft II

Favorite Hearthstone card? Stormpike Commando

Favorite band or music genre? Techno/ house music

The event will be covered through the weekend here! And also make sure to follow our social media to get exclusive news and updates of the team live from the event!

Martin "OtakuMZ" Z.

Real life physician and afterhour card battler. Martin "OtakuMZ" contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn on the Gwentlemen site. He is best known for his infographics which can be accessed at a glance at https://www.facebook.com/hsinfographics and https://www.facebook.com/gwentinfographics

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