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Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Token Druid

by - 9 years ago

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Written by @F2K_Vortex

Every week the pros from team Fade2Karma break down the “Deck of the Week” . These decks are seeing a lot of play either in constructed ladder or tournaments. Team F2K explain the deck lists and how to play them. View past Deck Lists of the Week.


Hey all! My name is Vortex; I’m a player for Fade2Karma and I have been playing competitive Hearthstone since closed beta. Today I’ll be showing you Token Druid – a deck that is fun to play and can rack up wins quickly.

Win Conditions

F2K-Token-DruidYour main goal is setting up a board so you can get the most value out of your Savage Roar/Soul of the Forest and have a push for lethal. This deck has some insane burst potential; don’t be afraid to use a Roar early, even if it’s not lethal.

General Strategy

The idea of the deck is to flood the board. Try to trade only when it’s really favorable, else it’s better to keep your minions alive for a big Soul of the Forest/Savage Roar. Don’t be afraid to play your entire hand, unless you know a power swing might happen i.e Frost Nova/Swipe etc. Your Dragon Eggs are also protection for your board, so make use out of that.


You have a lot of cards that work together here are some examples

  • Eggs: Mark, Abusive, Power of the Wild, Savage Roar, Soul of the Forest, Defender of Argus
  • Ooze: Mark, Abusive, Power of the Wild, Savage Roar, Soul of the Forest, Defender of Argus
  • Creeper: Abusive, Power of the Wild, Savage Roar, Soul of the Forest, Defender of Argus
  • Gormok: It’s not uncommon for this deck to have 4 minions on the board, so this is a great fit
  • Jeeves: Because you run out quickly, this gives you amazing value
  • Flame Juggler: It helps you do favourable trades;, also its 3hp is great to help it dodge Consecrate.


Vs Aggro

  • Innervates
  • Living Roots
  • Eggs
  • Abusive
  • Creepers

Never keep 4 drops unless its Jeeves and you have Innervates. It’s fine taking trades with Abusive, but generally you want to make him trade and be the aggressor in this match up. It’s because you have way more burst potential after playing Soul of the Forest it is okay to take good trades.

VS Midrange

  • Innervates
  • Living Roots
  • Eggs
  • Abusive
  • Creepers

If you have a good curve it’s okay to keep a 4 drop; either Shredder or Jeeves. Try to swarm board (like any other deck!). A really good powerplay is Ooze + Mark of the Wild, so don’t be too quick with your spells.

VS Control

  • Innervates
  • Living Roots
  • Eggs
  • Abusive
  • Creepers

Against slower decks you can also keep Soul of the Forest – preferably with the Coin. For example, it’s amazing against Brawl: you get all your minions back and the opponent can only deal with 1 creature before his minions come out on turn 5/6.

Final Thoughts

When you play this deck, you have an edge from turn one: the surprise factor. You opponent might not have any clue what you are doing, and before he realizes your board is too big to deal with easily – especially with Soul of the Forest. I have played this deck at lower ranks and at Legend; it’s a great way to climb, as some games are won by turn 3. Also the deck is easy and fun to play. There are some important decisions to be made, which you need to be on the lookout for: for example, spotting lethal over two turns with Roar.

Follow me on Twitter (@F2K_Vortex) and Twitch (twitch.tv/V0rt3x1337)

Shout outs to my team Fade2Karma (@Fade2Karma)

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Token Druid”

  1. Wellwow says:

    Thoughts on replacements for Gormok? Hard to replace 4 instant damage and the body but I don’t have it or the dust. Could get a second Defender or Shredder but anything else?

    Swipe – instant 4 damage for same cost.
    Savage Combatant – bigger body, usually demands attention, on turn 7 or later could also apply 3 damage but that is late for this deck.
    Spellbreaker – bypass taunt + body

    • hlmonk says:

      I went Rivendare and replaced the eggs with Nerubian ones, Jeeves and Juggler with Hoarders. Perhaps not ideal as you do lose some damage and trade (though you’re not really going for the latter anyways), but hilarious when it works out.