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Two New Class Legendaries Revealed: Varian and Rhonin

by - 9 years ago

Both of these are pretty good legendary cards.

Varian Wrynn has some incredible value with being able to draw 3 cards and then if they are minions they go into play. Keep in mind though this means that if those minions have a battlecry effect it will not go off. My first thought was that this would work itself into control warrior, but if you look at the value minions control warrior has, many of them have battlecry effects. Still, could you imagine this in some kind of Dragon Control Warrior or some kind of hybrid where you play Ragnaros, Ysera, and Grom Hellscream? Any of those 3 being put on a battlefield with Varian Wrynn makes him a lot more deadly than Dr. Boom. The best part is though, if you don’t draw any minions you still have 3 new cards in your hand with a 7/7 on the field. This card should definitely be seeing play in Warrior decks.

Rhonin is good, but more risky. If he gets silenced you miss out on what makes him interesting. He might also just be too slow. However, combine him up with Malygos and you could have some Arcane Missile fun. Rhonin might make spellpower mage decks more of a thing. Flamewaker mage also becomes a lot more fun as well. Flamewaker + Rhonin + Archmage Antonidas = pretty scary.

Thanks to a successful Twitter campaign, both Legendary Cards of the vote reveal were unlocked today. What do you think?

If you are looking forward to see some new cards, go to the official Hearthstone site to submit your vote!

Keep an eye here for more reveals and all the latest Grand Tournament coverage, and check out our spoiler list for the full set of revealed cards.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Two New Class Legendaries Revealed: Varian and Rhonin”

  1. Dan Riehl says:

    I read this article after I posted on the Spoiler Card List article and raised the same general points about Rhonin ;-; I guess it’s there for people who don’t read these articles, right?