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Identity Enigma #10: A+ Students

by - 9 years ago

While joining your friends at the local tavern might make for an evening of entertainment; meeting new people can be just as rewarding, although maybe a bit dangerous. New faces pop up in the tavern all the time, countless stories are shared among the patrons, and often enough issues will be resolved right then and there. But have you been paying attention to your surroundings? Let’s put your skills of observation and memory to the test and see if you can identify these strangers!

Welcome to Identity Enigma, the new puzzle where it’s your job to identify three Hearthstone Cards based on little clues. The clues can make reference to the card’s ability, its stats, its voice acting, or their flavor text. Maybe I’ll just reference their Warcraft lore, or perhaps just something that has made them notable in Hearthstone. What about having just a silly play on its name? Everything is possible on Identity Enigma!

This week we have three guys that are all A+ Students. But unlike two weeks ago, where we had a podium of the first three places, this week they are all number 1. I tried to choose a single valedictorian, but you could say our 3 suspects were statistically identical.

Who will be the first, to guess all three minions? The stakes are way up as I’ll be handing out a surprise digital gift to the best answer of the week.

Good luck, traveler.

Family Effort


“He won’t admit it to anyone, but he’s still afraid of the Lake Everstill Clean Up.”

Mastery: Repair


“I don’t care that he fixed my death ray. If he can’t hold his saliva, he can go drink somewhere else.”

Formerly H+ As Well


“Don’t let him  go on and on about how spirit healers are running him out of business, he’s known to escalate things.”



Can you identify which 3 Hearthstone Cards are we talking about? Use the comments below to submit your answer and explain why you think your cards fit the bill.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Identity Enigma #10: A+ Students”

  1. Daniel Safholm says:

    It looks like you’re referring to 1-drop minions with stats that add up to 3, so here are my guesses:

    1. Murloc Tidecaller (Lake Everstill Cleanup – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26511)
    2. Cogmaster (He really does need to control his saliva)
    3. Undertaker (I over thought this one, and it took me putting all of your clues together to get it. Mention of the Spirit Healer and the fact he was nerfed to no longer gain health was the clincher)

    • Dobablo says:

      The A+ refers to them having a built-in mechanic to gain attack.
      Other A+ turn one drops are the Mana Wyrm (1/3) and Twilight Whelp (2/1) but they can be excluded statistically identical.
      The Secretkeeper and Lightwarden would fit the theme (both 1/2, one drop A+ cards) but are female while all the clues use male pronouns. The Secretkeeper also misses because she also gainst health(H+) as the Undertaker did pre-nerf.

      • Daniel Safholm says:

        Agreed. I initially considered Lightwarden intensively, to the point of researching her changelog, but the “his” pronoun gave me trouble. Finally I figured out, and confirmed through comparison, that “A+” definitely referred to the “+ x Attack” mechanic. Ironically, I caught on to the formerly “+ x Health” reference first, but took a while to link it all together. Like I said, the reference to the Spirit Healer plus the reference to the nerf pushed me in the right direction.

  2. WhatsHisFace says:

    1. Murloc Tidecaller

    2. Cogmaster

    3. Undertaker

    They’re all 1/2 – “Statistically identical.”
    They all increase attack – “A+”
    They’re all 1 drops – “number 1”

  3. Dannie Ray says:

    What about the titles of each riddle.

    • Daniel Safholm says:

      The first title wasn’t really that helpful (for me at least). The other two were major clues.

  4. Luke Cook says:

    wow… this week was really tough! I definitely agree with all the answers that Dan gave. Family effort because he’s calling his family as he gets stronger, cogmaster is the master of repairs, and… yeah I’ve got no idea for undertaker.

    Also, my twitter handle is @Captain_Cookers since I can’t figure out how to dm on this site.

    • Daniel Safholm says:

      Oh, I see what he did there with the “Family Effort.” Went right over my head.