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Blackrock Mountain Week 2 Card Review

by - 9 years ago

A lot has been said about all of the revealed Blackrock Mountain cards, but now we’ve had the chance to play with some of them. Has the public opinion changed on some of the cards after everyone has gotten a chance to try them out? Lets see how these new cards have done thus far on their first week out.

Boss Cards


The Druid of the Flame has made its way into some Druid lists through its first week. The card was deemed good enough to at least be tested and it made appearances even in competitive play. Time will tell us if Druid of the Flame will become a staple in the standard druid decks, but Druid of the Flame is surely going to be an auto-include in any Druid Beast deck attempt. If more Beasts come out and Beast Druid becomes a highly competitive option, Druid of the Flame will become a staple.


While Blackwing Technician has been released for a while, the jury is still up on it. We cannot know the true potential of this little green skinned technician until all the BRM Dragons are released. Early testing has confirmed the original speculation that this card could end up being very good.


Many predicted that Imp Gang Boss would be an impact card for Warlock and they have been mostly right. Imp Gang Boss is just a super solid card and it has certainly helped pave a comeback for Zoo Decks. You have probably seen a lot of this dude on Ladder lately and I’m sure it will continue to be a very common Warlock 3-drop for a long time.


Class Challenge Cards


The Axe Flinger just hasn’t made any sort of impact and it’s easy to see how. Lets compare it with Imp Gang Boss, every time that Imp Gang Boss takes damage you get a better version of the Paladin Hero Power for free. Every time Axe Flinger takes damage you get the Hunter Hero Power for free. But Imp Gang Boss is 3-mana, and all that Axe Flinger has to show for his extra mana cost is one extra Health. Axe Flinger has not been a fit in the current Warrior Archetypes either, Grim Patron Warrior has a lot of cards that synergize with Axe Flinger but the 2 damage that this dwarf provides will often be inconsequential if you manage to pull off a good Patron Combo.

The Last hope for Axe Flinger is to find a place in an extremely aggressive Face Warrior, but even then its future looks very Grim.


When Lava Shock came out a lot of people were super hyped and calling it a huge buff for Shaman. The card has been out for over a week now and it has yet to change how Shaman are played. Two Damage for Two Mana is just not enough, and unlocking your Overloaded Crystals is kind of a clunky mechanic. Right now this card is just too situational and it doesn’t provide enough average value to the current Shaman decks.

Wing Legendary


Just as it was predicted, Majordomo Executus turned out to be awful. In fact, it’s being considered by some as the Worst Legendary Card in Hearthstone. I’m not exaggerating here, it is so bad that it deserves its own article.

But what do YOU think about these new cards? Have you been able to get Lava Shock and Axe Flinger work? Are you loving Imp Gang Boss as much as I am?

Leave a comment below and let us know!



JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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