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Got Lethal? #7: We are not Prepared!

by - 9 years ago

Welcome to “Got Lethal?” a (hopefully) weekly feature that will try to put you on complicated, yet winnable situations. We will bring you puzzles of sorts where you are tasked with determining the best line of play, which mostly is play that will guarantee you the victory. Maybe this will help you train your pro-skills and perhaps with a bit of luck you won’t Miss Lethal ever again, or maybe the scenarios are way too fantastic to be of help on serious matches, anyway at least I hope you can have fun with them.

Your Hand

Youthful BrewmasterYouthful BrewmasterWild Pyromancer SoulfirePower OverwhelmingBig Game HunterCrazed Alchemistdarkbomb

The Board



Added your hand here again, so you don’t have to scroll up all the way to remember what you had. Also I’m going to show you what the cards on the board do, in case you are a bit new to Hearthstone and don’t remember all the cards abilities just from their icon.

Warsong CommanderSylvanasWindrunnerIllidan

We are not Prepared!

It appears to be Illidan Week here at Blizzpro. While that 5/7 Illidan is not the revised version we discussed on Mending Mondays this week, but rather the effect of a Crazed Alchemist, it is still a glance at what such a version could accomplish. Things look pretty Grim here as you might have Life tapped too much, you managed to take over the board with some strong minions but at that point the Warrior decided to stop trading and  turned the game. It’s been effective thus far as he has almost knocked you out, and his turn 10 of Boulderfist Ogre + Sunfury Protector + Armor Up almost makes sure that he will live next turn. Sure, you are in position for an easy board clear but you haven’t seen a single weapon from him this game and neither have you seen Grom. You were lucky enough to survive last turn and you can’t afford to take any more chances, you need to finish the game now!


eXtra Challenge!

In this week’s super duper X-tra challenge I want you to tell me what’s the maximum damage you can inflict on your opponent without having a friendly minion die before you hit the end turn button. You also get X-tra points if your solution to the normal puzzle gets you a nice overkill on your opponent.



Last week Phillip Norton conquered Blackrock Mountain and continued to climb the ranks of our super filthy stronk leaderboards.

Is this week YOUR turn to make your way into the “Got Lethal?” imaginary leaderboards?

posted in Hearthstone Tags: ,
JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Got Lethal? #7: We are not Prepared!”

  1. James Taylor says:

    Dark bomb Boulderfist – 2 mana
    Run Sylvanas in
    Gain Warsong Commander (50/50 chance with protector)
    Crazed Aclhemist Illidan – 2 mana
    Use Power Overwhelming on Illidan – 1 mana
    Attack with Crazed Alch/Illidan – 13 Dmg
    Play brewmaster returning Crazed Alch – 2mana
    Attack with Brewmaster – 3 Dmg
    Play Brewmaster returning brewmaster – 2 mana
    Attack with Brewmaster – 3 Dmg
    Use Soulfire – 1 mana / 4 Dmg
    Uses 10 Mana and deals 23 Damage.

  2. David Roshinski says:

    Wild Pyromancer, Darkbomb Sunfury, Power Overwhelm Illidan,, Swing Sylvanas to Orge stealing the Commande, Swing with Wild Pyromancer, Bounce with Youthful, swing with Youthful and bounce with other youthful, Soulfire face, and swing with everything

  3. leeto says:

    1) Play pyromancer (2/10 mana)
    2) Darkbomb Sunfury (4/10 mana)
    3) Power Overwhelming on Illidan (5/10 mana)
    4) Trade Sylvanas into Ogre and get the Commander (5/10 mana)
    5) Play Brewmaster, target one of the Flames (7/10 mana, one charged Flame)
    Swing with brewmaster (3 damage done)
    6) Play Brewmaster 2, target the brewmaster that attacked (9/10 mana, two charged Flames)
    Swing with bremaster (6 damage done)
    7) Play Soulfire on face (10/10 mana, three charged Flames, 10 damage done)
    8) Swing with all three charged flames (16 damage done)
    9) Swing with Overwhelmed Illidan (25 damage done, OVERKILL HYPE)

    • Dannie Ray says:

      There is no flames to bounce with the brewmaster though, they were killed by the pyros effect. You’d have to bounce Illidan or Warsong at that point.

  4. Guest says:

    1) Play Crazed Alchemist, turning boulderfist to 7/6, flame token #1. (2/10 mana)
    2) Play Wild Pyromancer, flame token #2 (4/10 mana)
    3) Play dark bomb on sunfury (dead), flame token #3. Tokens 1-3 die. Boulder = 7/5. Other guys take 1 damage. (6/10 mana)
    4) Crash Sylvanas into Boulder (both dead). Steal Warsong Commander
    5) Attack with Wild Pyro and Crazed Alchemist (I think warsong will activate the charge) (5 damage)

    6) Play Youthful brewmaster, flame token #4. Attack with both. (8/10 mana). (5 damage, 10 total)
    7) Play Power Overwhelming on Illidan, flame token #5. Attack with both. (9/10 mana) (11 damage, 21 total)
    8) Play Soulfire to face (10/10 mana) (4 damage, 25 total). Flame token #6 is summoned.

    If warsong doesn’t activate the guys I summoned when I steal him, then I’m one damage short after flame token #6 attacks.

    • Dannie Ray says:

      Warsong only gives charge to minions that are summoned WHILE he is on your board, doesn’t give charge retroactively.

  5. eduellery says:

    Got Lethal #7 instead of Got Lethal#4, right? Are you avoiding BGH? 😉

  6. MightyGorgon says:

    1. Darkbomb Sunfury Protector and get a Flame of Azzinoth (8 mana and 23 “health” left)
    2. Attack Ogre with Illidan
    3. Attack Ogre with Sylvanas –> got Warsong Commander
    4. Play Youthful Brewmaster (return to hand the Flame of Azzinoth) + Power Overwhelming and so summon 2 Flame of Azzinoths and attack with them (5 mana and 12 health left)
    5. Play Youthful Brewmaster (return to hand the previous Flame of Azzinoth) and so summon another Flame of Azzinoth and attack with them (3 mana and 7 health left)
    6. Play Crazed Alchemist + Soulfire face and so summon 2 Flame of Azzinoths and attack with them (0 mana and -3 health left)

    • MightyGorgon says:

      I realized that I would have too many minions so I correct myself:
      6. Play Wild Pyromancer and attack with it + Soulfire face (0 mana and 0 health left)

  7. Miaozer says:

    1)summon pyro summoning a flame
    2) dark bomb sunfury killing that and the flames
    3) power overwhelm ilidan leaving only ilidan and slyvanas on your board
    4) hit ogre with slyvanas and take warsong
    5) alchemist illidan and summon a flame , hit with all for 13
    6) brewmaster the flame and summon another flame and hit with both for 5
    7) soul fire face summoning a last flame and hit for grand total of 24

    • Miaozer says:

      This way there’s enough room on your board AND actually works with the warsong mechanic, plus yes it uses all 10 mana

  8. Samuel Booth says:

    1. Power Overwhelming Sylvanas, attack the Ogre.
    2. Darkbomb the Sunfury
    3. Big Game hunter Sylvanas, take’s Warsong. Give charge to your three flames.
    4. Play Alchemist, making Illidian a 7/5.
    5. Soul fire Garrosh.
    6. Attack with all, GG.

    • Dannie Ray says:

      Warsong only gives charge to minions that are summoned WHILE he is on your board, doesn’t give charge retroactively.

  9. Cheng says:

    1. Dark bomb sunfury 2/10 mana, 3 minion on board
    2. Attack ogre with illidan 2/10 mana, 3 minions on board
    3. attack ogre with sylvanas, you gain control of warsong, 2/10 mana, 3 minions on board

    4. brewmaster the flame, new flame and brew gets charge 4/10 mana, 4 minions on board
    5. power overwhelming on brew master (5/10 mana) a second flame with charge spawns (5 minons on board). Attack with all 3 for 3+4 + 2 +2=11 dmg
    6. brewmaster the 1st brewmaster (7/10 mana) for a new flame (6 minions on board) 16 dmg total
    7. brewmaster the brewmaster 9/10 mana 7 minions on board 21 dmg
    8 Soulfire for 25 total dmg, 10/10 mana used
    for the second puzzle 18 dmg is the most i can think
    alchemist + BGH to kill ogre, darkbomb for warsong, power overwhelming sylvanas, attack with both for 14 dmg and soulfire for 18 dmg (9 mana used)

    • Phillip Norton says:

      Very nice! I was trying to figure out a way to squeeze more overkill, and I didn’t like the mean pyro killing my flames.

      • Fifikus_Zarcon says:

        Actually the pyro comes in as a blessing as the boards gets too clutered otherwise, for maximum potential 😉

  10. GandT says:

    1) Wild Pyromancer
    2) Dark Bomb the Sunfury Protector
    3) Power Overwhelming Illidan to a 9/9), wipe out Pyro and previous Flames
    4) Trade Sylvannas into 6/5 Ogre, and steal 2/1 Warsong Commander
    5) Crazed Alchemist Illidan, Attack with new Flame. (21 Health remaining)
    6) Panda back the Flame for a board of Illidan (9/9), Warsong (2/1), Alchemist (2/2), Panda (3/2), and 2 Flames of Azinoth (2/1). Attack for a total of 18 damage and 9 mana

    7) Soulfire face for final 4 damage using all 10 mana.

    Total damage: 24

  11. Ricardo Muñoz says:

    is like Cheng says;
    but before point 8
    play the piromancer;
    then all others flames will die, and if you can play more cards, you will hit more with new flames

  12. Guest says:

    1. Play both Brewmasters, return Ogre and Warsong Commander to opponent’s hand. (4/10 mana).

    2. Play Alchemist, swap on Illidan (now 7/5). (6/10 mana).

    3. Power Overwhelming on Illidan or Sylvanas (doesn’t matter, let’s say Sylvanas is now 9/9 and Illidan 7/5). (7/10 mana).

    4.Attack with Illidan and Sylvanas for 16 damage total. (7/10 mana).

    5.Darkbomb for 3 more damage (19 total). (9/10 mana).

    6. Soulfire for 4 more damage (23 total). (10/10 mana).

  13. Marek Baxiq Bachan says:

    1. play pyro
    2. play alchemyst to protector
    3. dark bomb to face , opponent is on 20hp
    4. +4/+4 on illidan
    5. sylvanas to ogre
    6. now u have 9/9 illidan and 2/1 commander,
    7. attack with illidan , opponent have 11 hp
    8. soul fire to face – spawns 2/1 – go to face, opponent is on 5
    9. play kung-fu panda on 2/1 azzinoth token, to spawn another azzinoth token and go face for … 3+2 = 5
    10. gg wp

  14. Felipe Martinez says:

    1. Flame Pyromancer 2/10 mana, Sylv + Illy +FPyro + 1FoA
    2. Dark Bomb sunfury 4/10 mana, Silv + Illydian + Fpy
    3. Power Overwhelming on Ilydian, 5/10 mana, Sylv + Illydian
    4. Silv attacks Ogre, 5/10 mana, Illydian + WC
    5- Alchemist on Illydian 7/10 mana, Illydian + WC + Alch + 1FoA
    6- Attack with Alch and brewmaster it after 9/10 mana, Illidyan + WC + Brew + 2FoA (2dmg)
    7- Soulfire face 10/10 mana, Illydian + WC + Brew + 3FoA (6dmg)
    8-Attack with illydian, the brew and the 3 FoAs (11/9 + 3/2 + 2/1 + 2/1 + 2/1) = 26 Total dmg.

    • Phillip Norton says:

      Illidan took 2 damage from Pyro, so when you swap him he is only a 9/9, but still overkills for 24 damage!

  15. David Roshinski says:

    Crazed alchemist on Orge (7/6) 2 Mana, Wild Pyro 4 Mana, Darkbomb Sunfury 6 Mana, swing Slyvanas on Orge (7/5) it dies and you steal Warsong, Bounce Wild Pyro to hand with Brewmaster 8 Mana, Power Overwhelming Illidan (9 Mana), Soulfire face (10 Mana) swing with everything.

  16. Phillip Norton says:

    As an Eagle Scout, I’m ALWAYS Prepared!

    Play Wild Pyromancer (2/10m)
    Darkbomb Sunfury Protector (4/10m)
    Power Overwhelming on Illidan (5/10m)
    Clear Ogre with Sylvanus
    Play Crazed Alchemist on Illidan (7/10m)
    Hit Face with Illidan – Enemy at 14
    Hit Face with Flame – Enemy at 12
    Hit Face with Alchemist – Enemy at 10
    Panda Flame (9/10m)
    Hit Face with Panda – Enemy at 7
    Hit Face with Flame – Enemy At 5
    Soulfire Face (10/10m) Enemy at 1
    Hit Face with Flame – Enemy at -1! O-O-OverKILL!

    Total 24 Damage

    No Death Mode
    Darkbomb Warsong (2/10m)
    Play Crazed Alchemist on Ogre (4/10m)
    Play BGH on Ogre (7/10m)
    Play Power Overwhelming on Sylvanus (8/10m)
    Hit Face with Sylvanus – 9 Damage
    Hit Face with Illidan – 14 Damage
    Soulfire for 4 – 18 Damage
    Click End Turn (Bonus Steal of Sunfury!)

    Total 18 Damage

    Board State
    Nothing on his side
    2/2 4/2 5/7 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/3

  17. Fifikus_Zarcon says:

    1. Play Wild Pyro (2/10 mana used, 5/5 + 5/7 + 3/2 + 2/1)
    2. Play Alch on ogre (4/10 mana used, 5/4 + 5/6 + 3/2 + 2/2 + 2/1 + 2/1)
    3. Dark Bomb the Sunfury (6/10 mana used, 5/4 + 5/6 + 3/1 + 2/1)
    4. Run sylvanas into ogre to gain the commander (5/6 + 3/1 + 2/1 + 2/2)
    5. Attack with all for 12 dmg
    6. Brew on pyro (8/10 mana used, 5/6 + 2/1 + 2/2 (used) + 3/2 + 2/1)
    7. Power Overwhelming on brew (9/10 mana used, 5/6 + 2/1 + 2/2 (used) + 7/6 + 2/1 + 2/1)
    8. Soul fire on warrior for 4 dmg (16 dmg now) (10/10 mana used, 5/6 + 2/1 + 2/2 (used) + 7/6 + 2/1 + 2/1 + 2/1)
    9. Attack with the last unused creeps for 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 13 dmg

    Total damage = 29 (such overkill!)

    Extra Puzzle:

    1. Alch on the ogre (2/10 mana used, 4 minions on board)
    2. BGH on the ogre (5/10 mana used, 6 minions on borard)
    3. Dark bomb on the commander (7/10 mana used, full board)
    4. Power Overwhelming on sylvanas (8/10 mana used)
    5. Soul fire on warrior plus attack for 18 damage. (only 9 mana used)

    • Dannie Ray says:

      What is doing the 12 dmg on step 5? The Pyro, and Alch are still sleeping as the Warsong Commander buffs minions when they are summoned, it doesn’t work retroactively.