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Got Lethal? #6: Blackrock Mountain Preview

by - 9 years ago

Welcome to “Got Lethal?” a (hopefully) weekly feature that will try to put you on complicated, yet winnable situations. We will bring you puzzles of sorts where you are tasked with determining the best line of play, which mostly is play that will guarantee you the victory. Maybe this will help you train your pro-skills and perhaps with a bit of luck you won’t Miss Lethal ever again, or maybe the scenarios are way too fantastic to be of help on serious matches, anyway at least I hope you can have fun with them.


Your Hand

Cleaveunstableghoul1Ironforge Riflemanunstableghoul1rusty-horn whirling-blades FieryWarAxe

The Board



Added your hand here again, so you don’t have to scroll up all the way to remember what you had. Also I’m going to show you what the cards on the board do, in case you are a bit new to Hearthstone and don’t remember all the cards abilities just from their icon.



Blackrock Mountain Preview.

Given the chance to take some of the new Blackrock Mountain cards for a spin, we’ve decided to try some sort of combo deck with Grim Patrons and Axe Flingers.  We had high hopes for our combo to blow through the opposition, though thus far, its been a bit of a disaster. We managed to draw some cards with Acolytes of Pain and hang around for a bit with our Grim Patrons, but overall we are almost down and out. Toshley did help stabilizing our board earlier, but his choices on Spare Parts were less than stellar.  Our hand is filled with taunts already, and having something like double Reversing Switch would’ve make quick work of our BFFs, the dual Mogu’shan Wardens.

This a game of Deathrattles and Taunts as most of the cards involved have one, the other, or both. Since order on Deathrattles can be paramount on certain situations, I’ll let you know that our Abomination was played before his Zombie Chow, but after our Death’s Bite.

Can you find the right order of plays that both keeps us alive, and finishes our opponent off before his turn ticks and he delivers the coup de grâce?

Good luck, and try not to burn much rope on this one.

Last week theZMaster nailed the extra challenge, even cracking the hidden puzzle, which was the fact that last week’s puzzle was very easy because Hunter is the “easy class to play”. Shout-outs to Phillip Norton, and everyone else who went at it last week.

This week’s solution uses a few interesting concepts that might be useful in some real play situations, hopefully the difficulty level is up to par this week.

Is this week YOUR turn to make your way into the “Got Lethal?” imaginary leaderboards?

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Got Lethal? #6: Blackrock Mountain Preview”

  1. Jorge says:

    1) atack axe flinger (2/4) on warden = opponent at 11 life
    2) play both ghouls, taunt and +1/0 to the zombie chow (4 mana left)
    3) attack zombie chow with abomination. You’re at 6 life, abomination at 4/1
    4) play cleave: Wardens: 1/4 1/5 2 mana left
    5) play fiery war axe. deathrattle of death’s bite trigger
    your minions: 1/2, 1/2, 2/3, 4/0 | opponent: 1/3 1/4, and with 9 life
    deathrattle of abomination:
    your minions: 1/0 1/0 2/1 | opponent: 1/1 1/2, and with 5 life (2 from abomination, 2 from axe flinger)
    deathrattle of unstable ghoul 1 trigger
    your minions: 2/0 | opponent: 1/0 1/1, and at 3 life (2 from axe flinger)
    deathrattle of unstable ghoul 2 trigger: no minion from opponent
    5) atack with fiery war axe for the win!

  2. Szecsodi Imre says:

    1. Play the 2 unstable Ghouls
    2. Taunt up, and +1 attack the Zombie Chow
    3. Attack the Zombie with the Abomination
    4. Play Fiery War Axe
    5. Play Cleave
    6. Finish it with the Axe

  3. Barrda says:

    1. Play both ghouls
    2. play whirling blades and rusty horn on zombie chow.
    3. Hit Zombie chow with Abomination gain 5 health
    4. Play cleave and take both Wardens down to 5 health.
    5. Play Firey War axe to replace Death’s Bite triggering its death rattle (1).
    6. Abomination dies (2) both Ghouls die (1) + (1)
    7. Both Wardens die and axe flinger dies but throws 4 axes for 8 damage.
    8. Enemy now at 13 – 2 (Abomination) – 8 axe Flinger = 3
    9. Face Enemy with fiery war to 0

  4. Argyrok says:

    1. Give one of the Warden’s Whirling Blades to increase attack by one, and attack it with Abomination, leaving it a 4/2, and the warden a 2/3. (9 mana left)
    2. Put both Unstable Ghouls on the board (5 mana left)
    3. Use the Axeflinger to hit the 1/7 Warden, leaving it a 1/5, also damaging the opponents face from the Axeflinger for 2 (13 down to 11).
    4. Destroy the Death’s Bite with the Fiery Win Axe, leaving the Wardens as a 1/4 and a 2/2, the Chow as a 2/2, the Axeflinger as a 2/3, the ghouls as 1/2s, and the Abomination as 4/1, also damaging the opponent again with the Axeflinger for 2 more (11 down to 9, 3 mana left)
    5. Use the Rifleman to shoot the Abomination, killing it (0 mana left)

    Killing the Abomination will chain to kill everything: the 2/2 warden, the chow, and the ghouls will die from the abomination (even though we go down to -1, the zombie chow heals for 5, bringing the total up to 4), and the ghouls together will kill off the Axeflinger and the other Warden. The Axeflinger gets hit twice: once from the Abomination and another time from one of the ghouls combining for 6 damage (to clarify, 2 damage from the initial Abomination explosion, 2 damage from the Axeflinger getting hit by the Abom bringing it down to a 2/1, and 2 more damage from an Unstable Ghoul hitting and killing the Axeflinger for a total of 6 damage to the opponents face). This brings the opponent down to 3.

    6. Use the Fiery Win Axe on opponents face, killing the opponent.

    • Dannie Ray says:

      If you do this, you die before you are healed by the Zombie Chow. Your death triggers at the same time than the Chow’s deathrattle. The heal will go towards your face but you will already be facing a defeat screen at that point.

  5. Phillip Norton says:

    Play Rusty Horn on Zombie Chow (1/10m)
    Play Whirling Blade on Zombie Chow (2/10m)
    Kill Zombie Chow with Abomination – You at 6
    Play Both Unstable Ghouls (6/10m)
    Equip Fiery War Axe (8/10m)
    Death’s Bite procs
    1/6 1/6
    2/4 1/2 1/2 4/0 – Enemy at 11
    Abomination procs – You at 4, Enemy at 9
    1/4 1/4
    2/2 1/0 1/0 – Enemy at 7
    First Ghoul procs
    1/3 1/3
    2/1 – Enemy at 5
    Second Ghoul procs
    1/2 1/2
    2/0 – Enemy at 3
    Play Cleave (10/10m) Both Warden’s dead
    Hit Enemy with Axe – Enemy at 0!

  6. Marcelo says:

    Play Rusty Horn on Zombie Chow (1/10m)
    Play Whirling Blade on Zombie Chow (2/10m)
    Kill Zombie Chow with Abomination – You at 6
    Play Both Unstable Ghouls (6/10m)
    Equip Fiery War Axe (8/10m)
    Death’s Bite procs
    1/6 1/6
    2/4 1/2 1/2 4/0 – Enemy at 11
    Abomination procs – You at 4, Enemy at 9
    1/4 1/4
    2/2 1/0 1/0 – Enemy at 7
    First Ghoul procs
    1/3 1/3
    2/1 – Enemy at 5
    Second Ghoul procs
    1/2 1/2
    2/0 – Enemy at 3
    Play Cleave (10/10m) Both Warden dead