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Got Lethal? #5: Charge, Beasts, Charge!

by - 9 years ago

Welcome to “Got Lethal?” a (hopefully) weekly feature that will try to put you on complicated, yet winnable situations. We will bring you puzzles of sorts where you are tasked with determining the best line of play, which mostly is play that will guarantee you the victory. Maybe this will help you train your pro-skills and perhaps with a bit of luck you won’t Miss Lethal ever again, or maybe the scenarios are way too fantastic to be of help on serious matches, anyway at least I hope you can have fun with them.


Your Hand

Savannah_HighmaneJunglepantherHe doesn't mean much alone, but with 3-4 other Beasts this guy can turn a game around!Arcane ShotKill-Command Scavenging-HyenaHunters-mark

The Board



Added your hand here again, so you don’t have to scroll up all the way to remember what you had. Also I’m going to show you what the cards on the board do, in case you are a bit new to Hearthstone and don’t remember all the cards abilities just from their icon.


arcane-nullifier-x21 WardenTundra-Rhino


Charge, Beasts, Charge!

So after our analysis on Bestial Wrath we’ve decided to give the old beast deck a try. Thus far things haven’t gone too well, and you are very close to death but at least our opponent has run out of steam and is in top deck mode, meanwhile you’ve been making a lot of use of our Hero power and thanks to a heads up Cult Master/Unleash play, our hand now has a pretty decent size. Last turn our enemy used his Thalnos and a Backstab to kill of your taunt. The deathrattle on his Thalnos gave him a second card though and he then threw a curve ball and taunted up BIG TIME before cracking the rest of his weapon into our face, leaving us at 1 HP. This has pretty much sealed our fate, unless of course you manage to find a combination of plays that kill this dastardly rogue within our turn, will you be the Hero that saves the day?

Last weeks puzzle was a bit complicated, specially when you factor in the special challenge that was only completed after 6 days. This week you have a way easier puzzle for those of you that were asking for a starter kit.

Extra Challenge

What is harder than dealing 14 damage? Dealing 15 damage, But do you know what’s harder? Hunters killing you without Skill Command, do you have a solution that deals 15 damage without having to resort to that dreaded 3 mana spell?  Gain SUPER DUPER X-TRA BONUS POINTS if you figure out which turn is this happening on, who went first, and which of our taunts our opponent killed last turn.

Also, somebody figure out why Mogu’shan Warden always finds its way into this column.


Last week Skarn went very in-depth again trying to crack the extra challenge, his efforts paid off big time as he becomes Legend #1 in the Got Lethal Rankings.

Is this week YOUR turn to make your way into the “Got Lethal?” imaginary leaderboards?

posted in Hearthstone Tags: ,
JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Got Lethal? #5: Charge, Beasts, Charge!”

  1. Kartzull says:

    1. Poser la panthère 4/2
    2. poser le loup 1/1 qui donne +1 aux bêtes
    3. Poser la hyène 2/2 qui gagne +2/+1 pour chaque bête morte
    4. tuer le taunt de gauche avec la panthère
    5. Utiliser marque du chasseur sur le taunt restant
    6. Tuer ce dernier avec le loup 1/1
    7. La hyène a maintenant 6/4 : attaquer le héros avec (6 dégats)
    8. Utiliser ordre de tuer + tir des arcanes sur le héros (7 dégats)
    9. Attaquer avec la bête qui donne charge (2 dégats)
    Total 15 dégats et un coût de 10 mana donc dans les règles

  2. Kartzull says:

    EN :

    1. Put the panther 4/2
    2. Put the wolf 1/1 which gives 1 to animals
    3. Put the hyena 2/2 which gains 2 / + 1 for every dead beast
    4. Kill the taunt of left with the panther
    5. Use mark of the hunter on the remaining taunt
    6. Kill the latter with the wolf 1/1
    7. The hyena has now 6/4: attack the hero with ( 6 damages)
    8. Use kill order + arcane shoot on the hero ( 7 damages)
    9. Attack(affect) with the animal which gives load(responsibility) ( 2 damages)
    Total 15 damages and a cost of 10 thus mana in rules

  3. Dragon says:

    Another Solution:
    1. Put Highmane.
    2. Put Hyena.
    3. Put Timber Wolf.
    4. Hunter Mark on Highmane.
    5. Kill MoguShan Warden with Highmane, 7 dmg because Timer Wolf.
    6. With the 2 Spawned Hyenas kill the next taunt.
    7. now 3 beasts died, so hyena gets +2 +2 +2= 8 dmg + 1 from timberwolf = 9dmg
    8. go face with hyena 9dmg + rhino 3dmg (+1 cause timberwolf) + Timerwolf 1dmg + Arcane Shot 2 dmg = 15 dmg Face.


  4. newyearsproject says:

    1. Play Savannah Highmane, Timber Wolf, and Scavenging Hyena (1 mana left)
    2. Play Hunter’s Mark on Highmane (1 mana)
    3. Attack Highmane into Mogu’shan Warden, 2 hyenas come out, other hyena is now 4/3
    4. Attack timber wolf into nullifier, then both small hyenas, scavenging hyena is now 10/6
    5. Attack face with hyena and rhino. (down to 2 life)
    6. Say oops a lot
    7. Arcane shot to face

  5. Phillip Norton says:

    Hunter’s Mark Warden 0/10
    Arcane Shot Warden 1/10
    Scavenging Hyena 3/10
    Timber Wolf 4/10
    Jungle Panther 7/10
    Attack Nullifier with Panther
    Attack Enemy with Rhino – Enemy at 11
    Attack Enemy with Hyena – Enemy at 6
    Attack Enemy with Wolf – Enemy at 5
    Kill Command 10/10 Enemy At 0

  6. Triumphh says:

    1) drop timber wolf (1 mana)
    2) drop hyena (2 mana)
    3) drop highmane (6mana)
    4) hunter’s mark on highmane making it 7/1 (+1 dmg from wolf)
    5) kill mogushan with highmane killing highmane and producing 2 hyenas that are 2/2 with +1 attack each from wolf. Also giving scavenging hyena 4/3.
    6) send both 3/2 hyenas into arcane nullifier killing all and making scavenging hyena 8/5 with +1 dmg from wolf.
    7) attack face with 9/5 hyena, 1/1 wolf, 3/3 rhino (+1 dmg from wolf) and arcane shot face for 2 dmg (1 mana)
    8) 15 dmg, 10 mana used

  7. conga says:

    1. Put savanna, timber wolf and hyena
    2. Hunter mark to savanna
    3. Savanna atacks to warden, hyena is now 4/3
    4. Litles hyenas atacks to nullifier, now hyena is 8/5
    5. Atack whit rino plus wolf and hyena for 13 damage and play arcane shot for 15 of damage

  8. Phillip Norton says:

    Extra Challenge:
    Play Savannah Highmane 6/10
    Play Scavenging Hyena 8/10
    Play Timber Wolf 9/10
    Mark on Highmane 9/10
    Kill Warden With Highmane
    3/2 3/2 3/3 1/1 5/3
    Hit Nullifier with Hyena
    3/2 3/3 1/1 7/4
    Hit Nullifier with 2nd Hyena
    3/3 1/1 9/5
    Attack with Rhino – Enemy at 11
    Attack with Wolf – Enemy at 10
    Attack with Hyena – Enemy at 1
    Arcane Shot 10/10 – Enemy at -1

    It is the 19th turn
    We went first
    He killed our Ironfur Grizzly

    • Dannie Ray says:

      almost completely correct, a grizzly on the board would’ve been lethal for him last turn.

  9. Guest says:

    I’m not the biggest fan of playing the Savannah Highmane at all. Minus the Highmane, you have exactly 10 mana of cards.

    1. Play the Jungle Panther, the Scavenging Hyena, and the Timber Wolf.
    2. Kill the Nullifier with the Jungle Panther. (The Hyena now goes up to a 4/3, or a 5/3 with the Timber Wolf.
    3. Use the Hunters Mark on the Warden and kill it with the Timber Wolf. (The Hyena now goes up to a 6/4).
    4. You have 8 damage between the Rhino and the Hyena. Hit face for 8. The Rogue goes down from 14 to 6.
    5. Kill command the face for 5.
    6. Arcane Shot for 2.

    You end with 15 damage.

    I believe this is one of the easier puzzles posted.

    • Phillip Norton says:

      That will work for the first, but the extra challenge says you can’t use Skill Command.

  10. Argyrok says:

    I’m not the biggest fan of playing the Savannah Highmane at all. Minus the Highmane, you have exactly 10 mana of cards. Play the Jungle Panther, the Scavenging Hyena, and the Timber Wolf. Kill the Nullifier with the Jungle Panther. (The Hyena now goes up to a 4/3, or a 5/3 with the Timber Wolf. Use the Hunters Mark on the Warden and kill it with the Timber Wolf. (The Hyena now goes up to a 6/4). You have 8 damage between the Rhino and the Hyena. Hit face for 8. The Rogue goes down from 14 to 6. Kill command the face for 5. Arcane Shot face for 2.

    You end with 15 damage.
    I believe this is one of the easier puzzles posted.

  11. Daryl Tay says:

    1. Play Timber Wolf
    2. Play Scavenging Hyena
    3. Play Savannah Highmane
    4. Hunter’s Mark on Savannah Highmane
    5. Highmane to Mogu’Shan Warden
    6. Hyenas to Nullifier
    7. Timber Wolf, Rhino, Hyena to face.
    8. Arcane Shot to face.

  12. TheZmASTER says:

    Haha. Everyone can play hunter 😉

    This was not too hard, the 7/1 highmane is the key with the scavenging hyena in the mix.
    I like the extra card info for cards we don’t have, I didn’t identify Gallywix until I read some of the solutions last challenge, that was a bit of a spoiler.

    Mog’shan Warden is of course the Golden Standard in locking up games when the opponent has only one life. Nothing can go wrong with the Warden up, he will protect, and then next turn personally deal that one damage needed to finish it off. Hiding in your hand or deck until the last moment, the Warden jumps out on the perfect moment!
    And then some crazy sh%* goes down, to mess it up, usually 😉

    It must be turn 19, because the opponent played 8 mana for 2×4 mana minion and didn’t reload his knife.

    The taunt was Misha (the 4/4 companion), because otherwise he would not have used Thalnos to finish the taunt, but kill our hero together with the knife. Now he did 3 dmg with backstab and 1 with Thalnos on Misha to get that extra card.

  13. jakesask says:

    I just wanted to say that I really appreciate these puzzles. They take me two days to figure out (which explains why I can’t get above rank 12!), but I do always get them solved in the end. I hope you keep posting them. Thanks.

  14. WhatsHisFace says:

    (Forgetting the names of some of the cards, sorry)
    Play Mark on 1/7. Now 1/1. 10mana
    Run 2/3 into it. 2/3 is now 2/2. 10mana
    Play the Bite on the 2/5. 7 mana
    Play Scavenging Hyena. 5 mana
    Play Timberwolf. Hyena is now 5/3. 4 mana
    Play Stealth (5/2). Hyena is now 7/4. 1 mana
    Attack face for 13 with board and finish with 2 damage for 1 mana through Arcane shot.