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Got Lethal? #1: Gazlowe MIA!

by - 9 years ago

Welcome to “Got Lethal?” a (hopefully) weekly feature that will try to put you on complicated, yet winnable situations. We will bring you puzzles of sorts where you are tasked with determining the best line of play, which mostly is play that will guarantee you the victory. Maybe this will help you train your pro-skills and perhaps with a bit of luck you won’t Miss Lethal ever again, or maybe the scenarios are way too fantastic to be of help on serious matches, anyway at least I hope you can have fun with them.


Your Hand

Flametongue time-rewinderarmor-platingreversing-switch whirling-bladesSPELLBREAKER

Lightning BoltLightning Boltfrostshockfrostshock

The Board



Gazlowe MIA!

This week we are running a gimmick Shaman Gazlowe deck. This deck is packed with 1-cost spells and ways to get spare parts, sadly for you Gazlowe never showed, leaving you with a big stack of 1-drops on your hand and not enough life to overcome this Mech Mage. But you don’t even have the the right 1-mana spells, Earthshock and Rockbiter Weapon are also missing in action. What you do have is a whole lot of Totems, and while Totemic Might probably wouldn’t do much good, your totems would’ve certainly appreciated a Bloodlust, alas you’ll have to claw your way out of this situation with More Totems, Lightning Bolts, Frost Shocks, Spare Parts and a handy Spellbreaker.

Can your little spells, totems, and Windfury bot of doom add up to 28 face damage in one turn? Is the Spellbreaker the trump card on this situation? That’s your job to figure out, because if you don’t, we die to a simple ping. The first commenter to get it right gets bragging rights for the week.

I just hope you don’t burn too much rope on this puzzle.

posted in Hearthstone Tags: ,
JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Got Lethal? #1: Gazlowe MIA!”

  1. Smurf says:

    1. Frost Shock #1 on Tauren Taunt = Dead minion, 1 Mana
    2. 1/1 Totem into Annoy Shielf = pop shield. 1 Mana
    3. Frost Shock #2 into Annoy= Dead minion 2. Mana.
    4. Armor Plating 0/2 Taunt Totem = 0/3. 3 Mana
    5. Flametongue between 0/3 Taunt and 3/2 Windfurry = 2/3 / 5/2 5 Mana
    6. Reversing Switch 2/3 taunt totem = 3/2 +2 Flame tongue 5/2. 6 Mana
    7. Whirling Blade 5/2 Windfurry = 6/2 7 Mana
    8. Face Phase 1
    Double windfurry for 12 damage = Mage Health 16
    Taunt 5/2 for 5 damage = Mage Health 11
    Lightning bolt x2 8 damage (+1 spell power totem each) = Mage Health 3
    9. Time Rewinder onto Flametongue Totem. 8 Mana
    10. Place Flame tongue between 0/2 Heal and 0/2 Spell power, now 2/2 2/2 10 Mana
    11. Face Phase 2
    2/2 Heal Totem = Mage Health = 1
    2/2 Spell Power Totem = Mage Health = -1 Lethal!

    • newyearsproject says:

      this is my solution too!

    • Broly 0906 says:

      There is only 10 mana to spend… You forgot to count the mana cost of the 2x lightning bolt.

      2x Frost shock (2) + Armor Plating (1) + Flame Tongue (2) + Reversing Switch (1) + Whirling Blade (1) + 2x Lightning Bolt (2) + Time Rewinder (1) + Flame Tongue (2) = 12 mana.

  2. Ian T says:

    Here’s my go,

    Flame tongue totem inbetween Spell damage and taunt totem. (2 mana)
    Two buffed lighting bolts, 8 damage to face. (4 mana)
    Use spell damage totem to trade their 5/2 taunter.
    Frost shock on annoytron (5 mana)
    Frost shock to face (6 mana), 2 damage buffed, 10 damage total.
    Taunt totem trades annoytron.
    Whirling blade on wind fury bot, 12damage to face, 22 in total (7 mana)
    +1 hp and swap attack health for a 2/1 attack totem, now buffed to 4/1. (9 mana). Attack face for 26 damage.
    Return attack totem( 10 mana).
    Use heal totem, now buffed 2/2 to hit face. 28 damage,

  3. Broly 0906 says:

    1: Place Flame Tongue Totem between the taunt totem and the whirling zap-o-matic. (8 mana left).
    2: Clear the 5-2 with 2-2 Taunt Totem, knock devine shield of with the 1-1 Totem and kill the 1-2 taunt with the 2-2 Spell Damage Totem.
    3. Time rewind the spell Damage Totem, go face with 2-2 health totem (7 mana left, 2 burst damage).
    4. Totem up for new spell damage totem and play the spell damage totem from the hand. (4 mana left).
    5. 2x lightning bolt and 2x frost shock to the face (10+6 burst damage, 0 mana left).
    6. go face twice with the 5-2 whirling zap-o-matic (10 burst damage).

    2+16+10= 28 damage to face.

    • Dannie Ray says:

      You have a 50% chance to get a taunt totem though.

      • Broly 0906 says:

        So instead:

        Place the Flame Tongue between the spell damage totem and the taunt totem. Knock the devine shield of with the 1-1 totem and kill the 1-2 with the 2-2 spell damage totem. Time rewind the spell damage totem and totem up. Then you’ll have 100% chance to get the spell damage totem back, since you haven’t yet killed the 5-2 with the 2-2 taunt.

        • Dannie Ray says:

          but now you lost your searing totem 😛

          • Broly 0906 says:

            Indeed, just noticed that too…

            1: Place Flame Tongue Totem between the 1-1 totem and the 0-2 spell damage totem (8 mana left).
            2: Knock devine shield of with the 2-2 Spell Damage Totem and Time Rewind it into your hand. (7 mana left)
            3. Hero power to get a new Spell Damage Totem. Clear the 1-2 taunt with the 3-1 totem. Kill the 5-2 taunt with your 2-2 taunt totem. Go face with the 2-2 health totem (5 mana left, 2 damage to face).
            4: Play the Spell Damage Totem from your hand (4 mana left)
            5: 2x lightning bolt and 2x frost shock to the face (10+6 burst damage, 0 mana left).
            6: go face twice with the 5-2 whirling zap-o-matic (10 burst damage).

            2+16+10= 28 damage to face.

          • Miroslav Balaz says:

            Can you do 29 dmg ?

          • Broly 0906 says:

            What’s the point? 28 dmg and above is lethal. So no need for extra damage really. I guess you’re solution also works ^^ .

  4. J.R. says:

    Drop Flametounge between Taunt Totem and Windfury Bot (2 mana)
    1/1 Totem into Annoyatron
    Run 2/2 Taunt Totem into Tauren
    Run 2/2 Spell Totem into Annoyatron
    Rewinder on Spell Totem (1 mana)
    Hero Power for Spell Totem (2 mana)
    Drop Spell Totem far right (1 mana)
    Run 2/2 Heal Totem into face (2 damage)
    Lightning x 2 face (2 mana) (10 damage)
    Frost Shock x 2 face (2 mana) (6 damage)
    Run 5/2 Winfury Bot into face (10 damage)

    Mana: 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10
    Damage: 2 + 10 + 6 + 10 = 28

    • Broly 0906 says:

      So that is what I’ve posted an hour ago… But it has a 50% chance to get the taunt totem back. You need to place the flame tongue between the spell damage totem and the taunt totem.

      • J.R. says:

        You’re right. Forgot that the 1/1 was killed. I reordered it.

        Edited the OP. Again.

        • Broly 0906 says:

          None of the Totems may die before doing time rewind on the spell damage totem. Otherwise it’s not 100% chance to get the spell damage totem back. Here the taunt totem dies before doing the hero power, so it’s still 50% chance to get the wrong totem.

  5. Miroslav Balaz says:

    Flame between taunt and spell dmg. Taunt totem attack 5/2, 1/1 pop shield of annoy, spell totem kill annoy (with buff of flame).
    now: his board is clear, my board, 0/2 healing, 2/1 spell dmg, 0/2 flame and 5/2 windfury. spend 2 mana so far

    cast all spells to face for 4+4+2+2=12 dmg for 4 mana.
    buff windfury bot to 6/2 with spare part. 7th mana spend. attack twice for 12 dmg. together 24 dmg dealt

    time rewind spell dmg totem. now give healing totem +1 health, it have 2/3 (buff of flame), another 2 mana spend (9 total)

    reverse stats of healing to 3/2 +2/0 (cause of flame) and attack face for 5 together 29 dmg dealt (spend last mana on reverse) mage is dead.

  6. Felipe Astudillo says:

    sry but i dont speak english

    1- flametongue between 0-2 taunt and 0-2 spell power.
    2- spell power 2-2 into 1-2 (with divine shield)
    3- time rewinder into spell power totem.
    4- hero power
    5- 3-1 totem into 1-2 taunt, and 2-2 taunt totem into 5-2 taunt.
    6- All damage face (12 damage)
    7-put the old spell power totem from the hand (+2 spell power)
    8-Frost Shock x2 and Lightning bolt x2 face (16 damage)

    10 mana and 28 damage


  7. Reina says:

    For 30 damage :D!

    Place Flametongue between spell totem and taunt totem (Cost:2)

    Use spell totem to Attack annoyatron

    return spell totem with Time Rewinder (Cost:1)

    Hero ability generate new totem, which will be a spell totem (Cost:2)

    use taunt totem to kill enraged guy (both die)

    Cast my old totem again, somewhere to the far right or far left (Cost:1)

    1/1 totem has boost from flametongue, attacks annoyatron, both killed
    Health totem attacks player for 2 damage

    Cast Whirling Blades on windfury bot, now he is 6/2 (with flametongue boost) (Cost 1)

    Attack player with windfury bot twice = 12 damage

    2 frostshocks to head = 6 damage (because of two spelltotems)

    2 Lightning bolts to the head = 10 damage (because of 2 spell totems).

    = 30 damage

  8. Dorkmaster Flek says:

    Ah, this is just like those old Magic: The Puzzling columns back in the day! I love it. Hope this is a regular column!