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“This Last Act of Service… is Mine”. Bolvar Fordragon is the final GVG Vote Winner!

by - 9 years ago




The Light was strong in the final round of the Hearthstone Goblins vs. Gnome vote reveal and  Bolvar Fordragon edged Mal’ganis quite comfortably in this last round of voting.

The Title Quote is quite fitting, and it comes from Bolvar himself as he asks Tirion Fording to place the Helm of Domination over his head and make him the new Lich King. If you ever cleared ICC in World of Warcraft you probably remember the exchange…

Tirion: “You will not be forgotten, brother.

Bolvar: “ I must be forgotten, Tirion! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today!

But that’s all WoW, what will happen in Hearthstone?

Personally,  while this card of course has a lot of potential to end up being nasty. I don’t think it’s going to be reliable enough. Sure if Bolvar starts in your hand, you can turn 1 coin Haunted Creeper, turn 2 Haunted Creeper, Turn 3 Muster for Battle, Turn 4 Muster for Battle + any one drop, and then drop a potential 14/7 on turn 4. But what are the odds of that happening?

Sure, if are using this in an aggro deck and this starts in your hand it is going to be huge by the time you drop it. But what happens if you top deck it after you are running out of gas? Nearly worthless…

Maybe if you are playing control you can make it stick in your hand long enough to get the buff chain going, but you would have to test and see if its a good fit. While the prospect of a beefy 5-drop is mouth watering, if you drop this on turn 5, this might end up being an ability-less Feugen more often than not. Maybe the play will be dropping a turn 10+ Bolvar & Faceless combo on an empty board.

Or maybe I’m overlooking a key factor somewhere.

Will Bolvar find his place at the heart of competitive Paladin Decks? Or will he be forgotten as another subpar legendary? Give us your opinion using the comment section below.



Meanwhile, check out all cards that have been revealed through this voting process:



Ancestor’s Call

Muster for Battle




Steamweedle Sniper

And take a look at our full Goblins vs. Gnomes Spoiler List, containing every GVG card officially revealed thus far.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to ““This Last Act of Service… is Mine”. Bolvar Fordragon is the final GVG Vote Winner!”

  1. Golgo13 says:

    Setting up for evolution mechanic into Lich King.

  2. satibel says:

    it is a great card for the paladin, as with his heroic power, you never really run out of minions to throw.
    I can pretty much drop it trun 5-7 as a 6/7 minimum if I get it on turn 2-3