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Written by [DKMR]Varranis

Welcome to this week’s “What Would DKMR Do?” Each week we’ll present an in-game situation and discuss the possible lines of play. Here’s the scenario for this week:

WWDKMRD 14 Priest v Priest

We’re already at 10 mana, but being a Priest mirror, barely any damage has been dealt! We have the upper hand in card advantage, but are down on board. What do we do?

Galurin said:

I’d argus my two creatures, crash my zombie into his and my priestess into his dark cultist and then northshire to heal my cabal priestess.

This play would put us slightly ahead on board and far ahead on cards, but leave our opponent with a very threatening 4/8 Blademaster. Fortunately our hand has the necessary tools to deal with the angry orc on the following turn.

Eldorian and SkarnSW agreed that they would:

Play Northshire Cleric, Defender in between Cabal and Zombie Chow. Heal Cabal with Hero power – draw a card. Attack Cabal into injured blade master, play Circle of Healing – draw 3 more cards. Attack Zombie Chow with yours.

Not only does this play allow us to clear the Injured Blademaster and not trigger the Deathrattle on the Dark Cultist, but it allows us to keep all our minions and gives us a commanding board position. Combine our now dominant board position with our full grip of cards, it’s hard to imagine our opponent thwarting defeat with merely a Dark Cultist and a hand of three cards (after drawing for turn).

But is that what DKMR would do?

While one could argue the merits of playing Northshire Cleric and Circle of Healing first to draw 4 cards and increase your options, it’s hard to turn down a sure thing. DKMR would make the same play described by Eldorian and SkarnSW. Our goal should be to put ourselves in a position board and card wise that it will be difficult to lose. Casting Circle of Healing to draw before removing the opponent’s minions will make it impossible to remove his minions as effectively. Playing Defender of Argus and Healing the Cabal Shadow Priest allows us to most effectively remove the opponent’s minions while keeping our own. Having Mind Control and Shadow Word: Death in hand means we’ll have answers to even the most dangerous and complicated board states.

Next week we’ll be talking about the scenario below. What would you do? Let us know in the comments!

WWDKMRD 14 Druid v Rogue

[DKMR]Varranis streams every Sunday from 10 AM – 4 PM EST at http://www.twitch.tv/varranis.

You can find all of DKMR’s streamers on their website with times and the days they stream!

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “WHAT WOULD DKMR DO? #14”

  1. SkarnSW says:

    Oi, that is a scary board! Since we have no taunts or way to deal with the weapon, it might not matter what we do. 10 HP isn’t much for a Rogue to get through.

    Given our likely death and our lack of defensive options, I’d go as aggressive as possible. Kill the Agent with your Shade, then drop a Spectral Knight. The Knight can’t be sapped and would survive a Blade Flurry. It would be nice to use all 6 mana to get Black Knight out (since the Rogue is likely lacking taunts) but it dies to the dagger and can be sapped. Hopefully we live a turn to heal with the Ancient!

    I considered Wrathing the Agent and gaining 1 armor with hero power, but 1 armor won’t slow down a rogue, so I prefer the more aggressive play.

  2. paul says:

    It seems there are basically two options: play passive or go on the aggresive.
    If I had any taunts, I might simply Wrath the Agent and poke with my hero power. But the lack of taunts makes me think the Spectral Knight is the right play. With our life total in a precarious spot and the Rogue’s hand size low, going to the throat soon is likely to be important. And the Knight, being immune to most of a Rogue’s arsenal, is an exceptional threat.
    I would definitely play the Knight and trade my shade for the si:7 to protect the Knight. This means a minimum of 5 damage to the dome, but the following turn we can AoL for some hp or wrath/Knight.

  3. Peter Thorne says:

    I would Wrath the Agent and Hero Power. Then Attack with Shade. By attacking with shade I am sacrificing the shade on the next turn since the rogue will feel obligated to deal with it before it gets to big. Casting a Knight will only force the rogue to attack me since it has 6 health. The board should clear now will give us options next turn (heal, break taunt, cast knight)

  4. Andrew says:

    So this is clearly aggro rouge which means he will be running 2xCold Blood and 2xShadowstep and probably not preparation. With that information we know he can not deal lethal if we kill Si7 agent, one option is to use wrath and hit face with hero power and shade. However developing our board is important as we need to push for damage. As this is likely to be a race we should sack the shade in favor of a more stable minion that will not die for free to blade-flurry. So i would play Spectral Knight and trade the shade into the agent. this gives us board control and prevents lethal while making it easier for us to get our Ancient of Lore down next Turn to Heal.

  5. Chung Ren Khoo says:

    Rune shade into SI:7. Play spectral knight. Ideally I would want to Wrath it but that leaves me with no follow up play.