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Hearthstone Streamer Highlights: AmazHS

by - 11 years ago

It looks like Blizzard took a page out of our book in starting up a new series where they will highlight some of their favorite streamers that play Hearthstone. I have personally always loved watching streams of the game because they can differ in so many unique ways. Some streamers (like Realz or Trump) are incredibly educational and serve as a resource to help you grow your understanding of the current meta and strategies. Some streamers (like Reynad or Forsen) provide not only top-tier play, but a high level of entertainment as well between Reynad’s donation comments, Forsen’s plug.dj submitted songs, and both of their salty antics. Whatever you’re in the market for, there’s no doubt that streaming is a valuable platform for both Blizzard and players alike to get themselves out there. Today, we focus on Amaz, the most popular Priest streamer:

If there’s one thing we’ve noticed about Hearthstone, it’s that watching it being played is almost as much fun as pulling up a chair and playing a game or two yourself. Watching experienced players sling cards is also a great way to learn new tricks, build better decks, and improve your skills. That might be the reason why streaming has become such a popular pastime for both streamers and viewers alike.

We want to make it easy to find the people who are out there streaming entertaining and informative Hearthstone games. Among these luminaries you’ll find pro players and skilled amateurs who all share a common goal—to entertain viewers by sharing their knowledge of the game sprinkled with a few laughs along the way.

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This week’s featured streamer is AmazHS!
The amazing Amaz was one of the first players to draw attention to how effective the Priest class could be on the ladder and in tournaments, and he’s distinguished himself in several competitive events. In fact, he is not only the first member of Team Liquid’s Hearthstone division, but recently took first place at the IEM Shenzen tournament!

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To help everyone get acquainted, we asked Amaz a few questions:

Q: Tell us a little about your stream?
A: I love streaming Priest for its crazy combo potential, and exploring the class’s competitiveness in ladder and tournaments. I’m quite energetic and enthusiastic about my plays, and you can always expect my personal ‘Sniper Ragnaros’ to put on a good show!

Q: What’s your personal battlecry?
A: “Do We Win?”

Q: How did you get into Hearthstone?
A: I started with Warcraft III, and it was the most amazing game ever. Then I transitioned into World of Warcraft for seven years, and now I’m hoping for a similar journey with Hearthstone!

Q: Do you have any advice for new Hearthstone players?
A: Play the Arena a lot to learn fundamentals. Then, look at some top decks and learn why they are good. Finally, make your own changes to these decks (or even make a new one) to stay ahead of the meta-game.

When to Watch
Tune in to watch Amaz play on Twitch.tv at the following times:

Weekdays: 6:00 a.m. PST/PDT

Sundays: 11:00 p.m. PST/PDT

Even when he’s not streaming, you can catch highlights of Amaz’s stream onYouTube. He also does bonus streams on different days and times, so keep an eye on his Twitter @LiquidAmaz for updates. For more Amaz action, check out his page on Facebook.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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