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Blue Post Round-up

by - 10 years ago

Greetings, minions! It’s been a great week two weeks for playing Hearthstone. Last week, we were treated to the first wing of Naxxramas, this week those with enough gold or cash could buy into the second wing. Initially though, the launch was “plagued” with problems (Ba-dum-tish!)

Payment for Plague Wing Stuck on Authorize: Some players were reporting difficulties completing the purchase of the second wing. If you are one of those players experiencing this problem, there’s a thread for you.

Payment issues with Naxx are something we are fully aware of. You can add your info, follow along and get updates on the Tech forums, specifically here:


Cheers and Good Luck! (Source)

Card Hovering Exploit: While the purchase bug looks to be addressed, other players have reported from time to time regarding a card hovering exploit that would prevent opponents from casting spells and perform certain actions. CM Rolkyr acknowledges that this may occur, but not within “normal” means of using the game client. Fortunately, there is at least a workaround to counter this behavior.

When you see this issue happen, quickly close your client and reenter the game. Your opponent will most likely appear as “Unknown”, but you will be able to continue playing. I understand this can be a frustrating issue, but outside of using 3rd party programs a player is unable to purposely cause this to happen. (Source)

Speaking of Blue Posts…: We’re both sad and thrilled to lose one of our own to the Hearthstone team. Later this month, Robert will join Blizzard as Community Manager for Team 5. Future installments of our Blue Post Round-up may just be us quoting Robert directly. So in a way, he’d still get to contribute to BlizzPro.com.

Robert, it’s been awesome! Thank you for getting HearthPro Show off the ground with me, and I wish you the very best on your new journey.


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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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