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Budget Deck of the Week #4: Free to Play Paladin

by - 10 years ago

Some claim Hearthstone is Pay to Win. We believe that’s simply not true. With a little bit of practice and understanding of game mechanics you can easily find success with cheaply made decks. Each Monday we’ll give you a budget deck that you can easily craft with little to no time/effort/gold. Some of these will help you get up in the ranks early on, some may even get you to legendary. Make sure you check all our past budget decks if this one is not to your liking.

In this week’s budget deck, I wanted to focus on the new player. You’ve just started Hearthstone and the first thing you should do is go about unlocking all of the basic cards. To do this you need to level up all of the heroes to level 10. Once you do that you have a pretty decent foundation of cards to work with on your deck making, some gold to buy some new packs, and probably a handful of rares and if you’re lucky, epics and a legendary or two.

The great thing about Hearthstone is it’s a free to play game. There are no pay walls for the cards and anything available in the game you can grind your way for free without paying a single dime. However, you’re intimidated because all of these great decks you’re looking at need multiple legendary cards and you don’t even have half of the cards you need to come close to making this deck. So this week I wanted to focus on a deck that will get you started with your gold making and at the same time be able to teach you some basics of Hearthstone.

This week’s deck was found on Hearthhead and created by a user who goes by ch3p3.

Total Crafting Cost: 0 Dust – true free to play

Basic Paladin by ch3p3

Class: Paladin

Cards sorted by Low Cost

Neutral (18)

Paladin (12)

The Strategy

For more advanced players this deck will make a lot of sense in how to play. It’s your basic minion deck that has a lot of different abilities based on the situations you will be needing to react to, beefy minons that will make it difficult for your opponent to deal with, removal spells to help control the board, and buff spells to give you that killing blow.

You actually have a very limited opening play when you play this deck, so you will want to try and mulligan to get a River Crocklisk so play turn 2 (or turn 1 if coin). If you don’t have that then just hero power a 1/1 dude. Save your Voodoo Doctor and Darkscale Healers for when you need them the most. Most of the time I’ve been finding the best use for the VooDoo Doctor is to keep your other minions alive instead of healing yourself.

Turn 4 is really when this deck starts getting some momentum going, so if you can try to get some going early, the better off you will be late game. The whole object of this deck is simply to control the board, put out your beefy dudes and eventually wear down your opponent.

If you decide to try out this deck, let us know in the comments below on how it went!

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Budget Deck of the Week #4: Free to Play Paladin”

  1. Squithy says:

    how far do you see this deck going?

  2. Celton says:

    Probably only to rank 18 or 19. The two taunts and cons won’t be enough to handle zoo, nothing in there to deal with handlock, won’t kill miracle rogue fast enough to stop their combo, most of the cards require you to have something on the board in order to get value which won’t likely be the case against most of the good shaman, druid or warrior decks. It might do okay vs hunter and mage and priest if anyone still plays those.

    • Eldorian says:

      Like I said in the article, this isn’t meant to be a competitive deck but is aimed at new players looking to build their first deck and jump in the grind.

  3. Squithy says:

    currently building a miracle rogue deck so looking for things to tide me over till i get the legendary’s and some SI agents!

  4. Ronin says:

    Casual is really hard these days, only place where a deck like this could win is 20-25 rated play.

  5. Rizzen says:

    This was one of the decks in my rotation that worked great from rank19-15, but lost consistently from rank 15-10.

  6. joseph says:

    holy cow this is a beast tempo deck for just basic cards

  7. David Johnson says:

    I get that this is a free deck.. But I am not getting any wins with it. Good luck if you try it.