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Card Smart: Mountain Giant

by - 10 years ago

Sure, you can play that winning card and step away from your match the glorious victor. But where is the fun unless you can also drop some lore knowledge on your opponent and add insult to injury? In this column, we don’t worry about card values or strategy – all we care about is that sweet, sweet lore. Check back every Wednesday for a new installment of Card Smart!





The Mountain giant is an enormous creature made of living stone and plants, grass and moss. Originally brought to life by the Titans, Mountain Giant are essentially the environmental protectors of Azeroth.

Having fallen into a deep slumber for many centuries, the mountain giants awoke at the start of the invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion. The giants came to the aid of the night elves in an effort to fight back against these destructive intruders.

Mountain Giants have a natural life span of thousands of years. They adapt to their surroundings, going as far as taking on a very similar appearance. These creatures have a vaguely humanoid appearance with long arms and comparatively short legs. They are nearly 20 feet tall and weigh almost 12,000 pounds.

Mountain giants can reshape large pieces of stone to use as weapons or tools. They also use this ability to heal themselves. Mountain giants speak Darnassian and Titan, and a very small number among them have taken the step to pick up a few words and phrases of the common language as they decided to leave their familiar surroundings.

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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