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Arena Adventures: Sometimes It’s Okay to Cry

by - 10 years ago

A lot of crazy stuff happens in the Hearthstone arena. In our pursuit of 12 wins we often run across traditionally awful cards, three or more of the same card and all the terror RNG can provide somewhere in the middle. Arena Adventures highlights some of the more heart wrenching, comical and even horrifying moments in the Hearthstone arena.

It’s not uncommon to open up with an awful hand in the arena. In the process of drafting we can run across a lot of amazing cards that cost four, five or even six mana. Chillwind Yeti? Sen’jin Shieldmasta? Abomination? These are great, but expensive cards. Sometimes the RNG gives them to us all at once and our opponent plays a turn one Coin + Faerie Dragon combo. This was the case in this particular arena adventure. What followed was a tale of depression, momentary victory and then soulcrushing sadness.

Do you have a video you’d like to share? If so, toss an e-mail to ZenStyle@BlizzPro.com with a link to your video and there’s a decent chance you’ll be able to see it up on the site. Remember, memorable matches!

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Arena Adventures: Sometimes It’s Okay to Cry”

  1. Rongar says:

    Ah man, even worse seeing it a second time. GG

  2. Kenneth says:

    Would be more ackward if it was the other way around, you had over 20 hp and he 3 and then loose. Been in that situasjon way to often.

  3. Stephen Stewart says:

    Such sad. Very devastate. Much Charge. Unwow. 🙁